Who are the top 20 (UNOFFICIAL) Men’s players in SA? - blog | Padel Gear

There has been a lot of healthy discussion/debate and some great banter about who people think are the top 20 Men’s players in South Africa. Having attended many top tournaments and watched others on live streaming, we think that we have a very good idea of who these players are.

However, we decided to list the top 20 players in SA according to the Playtomic rankings. Whilst we know that the Playtomic ranking is not the most accurate way to rank, players not adding in scores and a level 5 ranking in one area is different to another area etc, it does give us a good base from where we can start our discussion…. 😉

Top UNOFFICIAL 20 players in SA according to Playtomic

  1. Richard Ashforth – 6.35
  2. Brett Hilarides – 6.03
  3. Jason Blakey Milnor – 5.97
  4. Sashen Thirboan – 5.84
  5. Christo Potgieter – 5.64
  6. Shaun Leagus – 5.61
  7. Jason Smit – 5.56
  8. Tremayne Mitchell – 5.48
  9. Egmond Van Heerden – 5.45
  10. Paul Anderson – 5.41
  11. Brad Vermeulen – 5.38
  12. Ockie Oosthuizen – 5.25
  13. Hanns Spangenberg – 5.24
  14. Christian Coetzee - 5.22
  15. Andy Anderson – 5.2
  16. Keegan Rooy – 5.14
  17. Martin Redlinghuys – 5.1
  18. Chevaan Davids – 5.00
  19. Chadley Brown – 4.95
  20. Josh Deutschmann – 4.91

Whilst this list certainly has some of our top 20 players in there and we think that some should be higher, we believe that there are some notable players missing, including the likes of Scott Whysall, Aaron Marks, Adam Van Harte, Steven Loock, Luan Krige, Martijn van Oekel, Phil Franken and Jody Claasen.

Who do you think should be on this list? Tag them in the comments below. 

We will put together a Ladies ones too! 😊

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